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Parish Eucharist for Remembrance Sunday

At our Eucharist for Remembrance Sunday, Revd Mike will be preaching. The service will be held at church and available online over zoom.

1) For those in church, you will be receiving the Sacrament in 'one kind' only. The chalice will not be offered but in receiving the bread of communion (wafers) you are received the sacrament in its entirety. This is important to understand as this is the Church of England's theological understanding and is the instruction that we have been given by our Bishops.

2) For those on Zoom - please continue to take your own bread & wine at home as you have during these last 18 months or so. But please note though - what you take at home is not consecrated bread and wine, there is no consecration of bread and wine 'through the screen!'. As you take your bread and wine at home you will continue to do so in remembrance of Christ as you have been doing so during our Agape services during the pandemic.

Topic: Morning Service

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 7064 9333

Passcode: 618821

Please click the buttons below to download resources for the service:

November 14

Sunday 8am - 1662 Eucharist

November 14

Sung Evensong