Atrium Cafe
Atrium Cafe is an informal cafe style church service, where we welcome all to join us in worship, discuss different topics and deepen our faith in Christ.
Our services start with a short welcome with homemade cake, tea and coffee. We then start the service with Contemporary Worship Music either prerecorded or performed by live musicians. The evening then moves to the talk which is lead my a member of the Atrium team or a member of the congregation. We are invited to have a discussion questioning points in the talk, allowing us to grow deeper in our faith. Following this will then be a reflection song and a time of prayer.
Through these services we hope that Atrium can become a place of gathering for those who may wish to experience a more contemporary form of worship in a relaxed setting.
The Atrium Cafe meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 6.30 pm in the Parish Centre.