The Listening and Prayer Ministry Team
The Listening and Prayer Ministry team are trained in Safeguarding. We adhere to our church Safeguarding policy – which can be found here
Commissioning of Listening & Prayer Team on 27th November 2022
The Listening and Prayer Team are trained in Listening.
As a church, we are very good at talking to each other, and that is good.
Sometimes though, we simply need someone to listen.
Two of our trained Listening and Prayer Ministry team are available in church after every 10am Sunday service.
The purpose is just to listen,
not to give advice,
not to try to solve things,
but simply to give all our attention to listening, without interruption,
and then to pray and ask for God’s help. God listens and can prompt us.
We also have a prayer box in the welcome area and a prayer tree in church. Anyone can drop a prayer request into the box or add a prayer leaf to the tree. We will lift these prayers of concern to God at the end of the Listening and Prayer time for 4 weeks. Prayers can be continued by adding another request at the end of the 4 weeks.
Contact: Susie Fletcher